A defeat at Saltford

Somerset Golf Captains welcomed Hereford and Shropshire to Saltford Golf Club on a sunny but windy day.  The course was in superb condition and all the players were looking forward to walking the fairways, hearing the click of ball on club and the clunk of the ball in the hole.

With a warm welcome by the club the teams were announced after the lunch of sandwiches and chip fortified with coffee.

Mike Rossiter and Marcus Woodward (who was a wonderful Match Manager) had a great game against Fred Crouch and Graham Hosker.  There was nothing to split the pairs after 17 holes and they went to the last all square.  The deciding factor was the 2 large shrubs that grabbed Mike and Marcus’s golf balls.  Marcus had an excuse as he was limping having been hit by a Somerset player on the 16th.  This player will not be named.  Somerset lost by 1 hole.

Martyn Clapp (for it was he) and Jim Boyce played in the second game against Bob Holloway and Ron Pugh.  Failing to sink any putts, Somerset who ‘were never in the game’ lost 4 and 3 but thoroughly enjoyed the company.

Bob Arthington had a great start to his round and accompanied by Andy Balcombe soon went 3 up.  Ken Butler and Phil Lawrenson then began to fight back but although they narrowed the gap in a great game they finally lost 5 and 4.

Martin Hole, playing his first game, played with Mark Moorfoot and quickly went 4 down after 11 holes.  Ken Hayman, who drove the ball consistently until this was mentioned on the 12th, and Amrit Singh then started to falter a little with Somerset narrowing the gap to 1 down.  An excellent tee shot by Ken was enough for Somerset to lose 2 and 1.

In what was a game that ebbed and flowed Rob Ford and Brian Reeves went 4 down to excellent play from Roger Thomas and Kevin Jones.  Winning 3 holes on the trot they narrowed the gap only to lose the next 3 holes.  Not to be defeated the indefatigable Somerset pair came back to half the match.

The final game was Ian Gover and Peter Dawson against Malcolm Williams and Chris Griffiths.  Peter was on superb form with his putting being the main difference between the pairs.  Although the result of 5 and 3 win looks convincing many of the holes were closely fought.  A very good game played in the best of spirits.

The teams then sat down for a wonderful roast meal, ‘the best match meal we have had’ said Mike in his speech where he presented the trophy to Fred with Shropshire retaining the trophy in a 3½ to 2½ win.

All agreed that Saltford Golf Club should be congratulated on their wonderful hosting.

Saltford 2024
Ian Gover

Minehead 2021