A downpour and a honourable half against Gloucestershire

Under clear bright morning blue skies, 36 keen golfers arrived at Clevedon GC, the venue for the match between Somerset and Gloucestershire, the scene was set with a great welcome from all the staff and a course that looked resplendent in its presentation.

Following a welcome from Mike Rossiter and a good lunch, the pairings were announcement and Gloucestershire found the trophy from last year, we headed off to the first tee just before 13.00. The course condition lived up to its earlier look from the carpark, all eight four balls got under-way, but then the all-too-common liquid sunshine rained down on us. All everyone could do was stand on the spot sheltering from the rain under their umbrella, watching the greens become waterlogged and forming streams of water all around. Then the claxon sounded to beckon everyone back to the clubhouse, which was a welcome sound after hearing a clap of thunder or two.

Once showered, changed, and rejoined by one four ball that hadn`t heard the claxon carrying on for nearly all 18 holes, we sat down to a very welcome warming dinner and good company. An honourable half was agreed by both sides and the trophy remains with Gloucestershire for safe keeping!

Ian Gover

Minehead 2021