Plane sailing at Tall Pines to a win for Somerset

It is always a good day when the company and the weather come together to make a excellent days golf.  Somerset entertained South Wales Coast at a well-prepared Tall Pines course with many familiar faces greeting each other and looking forward to a keenly fought match.

Mike Rossiter (Captain of Captains) was up against it giving lots of shots to the other three in the group – Ian Gover and a pair of Dave’s, Lacy (President South Wales Coast) and Lloyd (Captain South Wales Coast).  Starting off well Somerset could not draw away from the Welsh pair and when Dave Lacy chipped and announced ‘Oh that’s a 5 for 3’ the result looked to be in the balance.  After going 1 up the Welsh pair could not cope with the excellent putting of Ian and Somerset finally won 3 and 2.

In the second match Rob Load and Stephen Butterfield played the always sartorially challenged Dilwyn Bull and Andy Stevens in a game played in a great spirit.  In a very tight match the Somerset pair just got over the line on the 18th winning 1 up.

In a reverse of the second match Somerset lost the third game 1 down.  The South Wales team of Viv Morgan and Jeff Price were always up against Roy Parmiter (President) and Bob Acland.  Another game with lovely banter and great fellowship the real reason for playing these games.

Chris Hyldon and Roger Gazzard, playing for Somerset would like to state the fourth match was nip and tuck but this would hide the good play of the Welsh pair Bill Malcolm and Ray Hooper.  The lads from Cymru stormed to 5 ahead and were then pegged back to 3 up with 6 to play.  Alas the putting of the Welsh pair led to a 5 and 3 loss for Somerset.

A 3 on the 1st and a 2 on the 16th hid the rest of the not so clever play from Chris Bryant and John Chillington who lost to John Linton and Steve Powell 1 down leaving the overall score 2 to 3 to the Welsh.  All four players enjoyed the company and the weather which was slowly beginning to look a little menacing.

The Somerset Match Manager Keri Allchurch playing with Steve Taylor played Andrew Everliegh and Ifan Davies in the sixth match.  Just missing the rain Somerset leveled the match with a 5 and 3 win.

Playing in the sunshine a nice steady start with both teams winning holes on the front 9 left Somerset’s Graham Load and Martin Morgan being one up against Mark Shrewing and John Ricketts at the turn.  With laughs drowning out the noisy parts of the course Somerset held on to win 3 and 2.

The pouring rain, which Somerset were certain had originated in Wales, now came in and the last match would be the decider.  Somerset’s Glyn Sewell and Mark Swallow were always behind until the last four holes.  A great shot by Glyn on the 18th snatched a half from the Welsh team of Graham Bartley and Bill Clarke.

Sat in the clubhouse and ruminating on the golf, the friendships made and the camaraderie the meal was eaten looking out of the course at the pouring rain.  Nothing could be better than a day of golf played with friends and with most players missing the poor weather.  We also won 4½ to 3½ winning the trophy back after four-year gap.

Our thanks to Tall Pines Golf Club for the excellent course and food and for looking after us in such a marvelous way.

South Wales Coast 2024
Ian Gover

Minehead 2021