Worcestershire win at Worlebury

SGC Captain of Captains Mike Rossiter arrived to welcome both teams but only to carry out the starter duties as he had an injury and was not fit to play. Home Captain Martin Morgan added his welcome as the teams were announced after some last-minute changes which were adeptly handled by first-time Match Manager, Maddie Casson.

The weather was fair, but the continuing brisk and chilly wind kept the temperature down and meant that low scores would probably be hard to come by. The course had dried out from the ubiquitous winter soaking and was playing fast with firm greens.

SGC President Roy Parmiter was pressed into the Somerset Captain duties for the day and partnered Martin Morgan in the first Match against Dave Colwell and Andy Perks. The home pair won the first two holes which, as is often the case, proved to be a mistake. The Worcestershire pair stormed back winning five holes on the trot and although Roy and Martin began to reduce the deficit, it was a bridge too far and Worcestershire grabbed the first point, winning 2&1. The close finish had looked unlikely but Somerset fought until the end.

In Match 2, Weston-super-Mare pair John Whitewood and Clive Stilwell were up against Shaun Messer and Joel Skeldon, the latter playing off +1 on the day and the Somerset pair were hoping to use their shots wisely. Joel started like the fine player he is, holing a long putt for a half on the 1st hole, winning the 2nd and then going eagle-birdie-birdie to build a 3 hole lead, driving the green on two successive Par 4s. The home pair fought back with John using his shots very well and Clive managing some birdies of his own. The lead narrowed and the match was all square after 14 when Joel found another tap in birdie and despite winning the 16th, the home pair could not hold on and the game was lost 1 down.

Rob Hardy and Goerge Davis were out in Match 3 against Andy Simmonds and Richard Mason. A close game from the start, this match always looked like it would go the whole way and so it proved. Although both teams struggled with the pace of the greens at times, it was Somerset who eventually triumphed on the 18th, perhaps a little fortunately, winning by 2 holes. An important win for Somerset given the start they had made!

Match Manager Maddie Casson and Dave Willis took on Grenville Rose and Chris Vaes in the 4th match. Having made a great start, the Somerset pair were worn down by some superb golf from the Worcester pair who turned the game on its head and took a 3 hole lead. Neith Maddie nor Dave could find a win on a hole and the match went the way of the away team on the 16th with a 4&2 win. The game was played in great spirit throughout and was thoroughly enjoyed by all four players.

In Match 5, Paul Hucker and Bob Acland took on Jon James and Richard Hardy and found the away team on very good form. Despite Paul holding the Somerset end up gallantly, Worcester were to prove too good on the day and the match finished on the 16th with a 3&2 win for the away pair.

Home player Graham Hewlett and partner Ian Gover looked a strong team on paper in Mtach 6 and held their own on the front nine where each team won four holes with only one being halved! But the away team of Chris Hobbs and Mike Field began to hole putts too often for the Somerset pair and the match was soon swinging their way. The game was tighter than the margin suggested but the win went to Worcestershire by 4&3.

Glyn Sewell and Bob Smith formed a strong partnership for Somerset in Match 7 against Ian Rone and Phil McDonnell. Bob’s buggy driving was entertaining throughout including an argument with a fence which the buggy, of course, won! The back 9 was very nip and tuck with no holes being halved and Glyn and Bob won the last (apparently with a lucky putt!) to seal a much-needed win for the home team.

The final Match was played between Geoff Rooke and Murray Parsons against Kevin Woodham and Stefan Kotlarzewski. Stefan was in good humour at the start as his Captain had managed to pronounce his surname correctly for the first time. However, the Worcestershire pair has less to celebrate as Geoff and Murray stormed round the course making pars and birdies (two for Geoff) to build a healthy lead. The match ended early with a resounding 6&4 win for the home pair.

The overall result saw Worcestershire win 5-3 and the good early season form of the Somerset team being well and truly ended having lost the previous home match by the same margin. We can only hope for a turn in form and fortune at the Four Counties which is taking place as this report is being completed.

Ian Gover

Minehead 2021